Discriminant validity would ensure that, in the study, the non-overlapping factors do not overlap. To assess discriminate validity, two common ways are used by researches. As in the case of Study 1, all items in the adoption construct had loadings greater than 0.55 with alpha values between 0.72 for external pressure and 0.95 for perceived usefulness. Research verifying those crucial predicted associations Q-sorting is presented as a method that can be used in early stages of research, being more exploratory, while the chi-square difference test and the average variance extracted analysis are recommended for the confirmatory stages of research. intelligence) is actually measuring that construct. HTMT - A New Criterion to Assess Discriminant Validity. The Fronell-Larcker criterion is one of the most popular techniques used to check the discriminant validity of measurements models. If you fail to test for discriminant validity among your variables, there could be a chance that some items will have a good relationship with non-related items – a clear indication of a lack of discriminant validity. validity of a test: 1 Convergent validity: is the degree of confidence we have that a trait is well measured by its indicators. Discriminant validity assumes that items should correlate higher among them than they correlate with other items from other constructs that are theoretically supposed not to correlate. The researcher would also check that self-worth and confidence, and social skills and self-appraisal, are also related. According to this criterion, the square root of the average variance extracted by a construct must be greater than the correlation between the construct and any other construct. What are Convergent Validity and Discriminant Validity? In this example, convergent validity would test that the four other constructs are, in fact, related to self-esteem in the study. In a sense, these specific asso-ciations are “make-or-break” in terms of the convergent and discriminant validity evidence for such measures. In the trinitarian approach to validity, convergent and discriminant validities form the evidence for construct validity (Hubley & Zumbo, 1996). The study presents three methods which can be used to assess discriminant validity for multi-item scales. Again, convergent and discriminant validity were assessed using factor analysis. Let’s take a look at this example: test scores and those relatively few specific variables. Design of Experiments > Convergent Validity and Discriminant Validity. The heterotrait-monotrait ratio of correlations (HTMT) is a new method for assessing discriminant validity in partial least squares structural equation modeling, which is one of the key building blocks of model evaluation. and nomological validity. 3.4.2 Discriminant Validity Discriminant validity is a test to ensure there is no significant variance among different variables that could have the same reason. The term “discriminant validity” stems from theoretical approaches in validity that focus on the construct (e.g., Cronbach & Meehl, 1955). In structural equation modelling, Confirmatory Factor Analysis has been usually used to asses construct validity (Jöreskog, 1969). validity of interpretations for such measures can focus on the associations between . I have a four factor scale that I just finished CFA on, and I was advised to use the chi-square test of differences to check for discriminant validity to reinforce my AVE based test for it. You may find it helpful to read this article first: What is Construct Validity? Discriminant validity indicates to differentiate between one construct and another in the same model. Convergent Validity is a sub-type of construct validity.Construct validity means that a test designed to measure a particular construct (i.e. Discriminant validity gets established when there is low correlation between two scales. 2 Discriminant validity: is the degree to which measures of ff traits are unrelated.