I think the value of renal diets is for cats with significant symptoms, and in those cases they can help the cat feel better. Cats are fine to have small amounts of cooked kidney beans from time to time. So, if your kidney-issue cat isn’t eating, ask your veterinarian about … Even so, there are many healthy alternatives to feeding your cat kidney beans. Jumpstarting the appetite Some kitties can be coaxed to eat. Heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas, gizzards and brains are probably the most common or more easily obtainable organ meats. Fortunately, quite a number of cats like cantaloupe, of all things, and that’s a great treat for cats with kidney disease." Now you know that cats can eat kidney beans, though you shouldn’t be surprised if your cat decides it’s more fun to play with them. Knowledge is power, and by the end of this article, you should know everything you need to know about … Kidney Disease In Cats: Stages, Symptoms, Causes (Coping & Unique Healing … No cat parent wants to think about the terrible diseases that can happen to their beloved felines. Don’t add more liver than recommended, due to vitamin A toxicity potential on a diet higher in liver. Many stores and integrative veterinary clinics can give you samples to test on your furry friend. In cats, kidney disease develops for two main reasons: Being fed only or mostly dry food, which is extremely dehydrating and puts a great burden on their kidneys. He would barely eat it. Sponsored Links. In fact, the Inuit are well known for eating Polar Bear liver and as a result, a lot of Inuit suffer (especially in the past) from liver stones. The earlier you can transition your cat to a specialized diet for kidney support, the more quickly you can support your cat’s special nutritional needs and maintain quality of life. Many people find having a plateful of dry food out on their bedside table can encourage their cat to eat … Can cats eat kidney beans? Some treats will get cats to eat any food. Prescription cat food that focuses on kidney support, such as Blue Natural Kidney and Mobility diet, fits the nutritional needs of cats with kidney disease. A friend recommended brand that also carries prescription food for feline renal failure , the brand initials are R.C. If you aren’t absolutely positive, it isn’t worth taking the risk. That can lead to a major rise in some very nauseating chemicals in the blood. Though there are a number of “people foods” that cats can eat, some foods may cause digestive upset or toxicity. Offering different human foods may also help coax your cat to eat. . Fortunately, this nausea can be assuaged by a growing arsenal of veterinary drugs designed for this purpose. Kidney beans can be a fun and healthy treat for your kitty, and an interesting change of pace from their normal food. Yet we all know that it’s important to be educated on serious conditions such as kidney disease in cats. As a general rule, you should never feed your cat something if you aren’t 100% sure that it is safe. Nu-cat vitamins, bonito flakes, tuna or clam juice and even tomato sauce will often tempt cats. Alternatively, give your cat canned kidney beans. If you have younger, pushier cats, it can help to feed your CKD cat separately, your sick cat will be able to eat at his or her chosen pace, and may want to eat more. The downside of the kidney diets is, cats don’t much like them, and, in my opinion, they don’t provide enough protein (or perhaps it’s just that cats won’t eat enough of them) to prevent muscle wasting. What Organ Meats Can Be Fed To Dogs and Cats. Remember, we’re trying to replicate what the cat would eat in the wild from their catches- a combination of majority muscle meat with a … Even though you’ll see these cats drinking water, they make up only half the intake a cat eating a … The kidney can be any kind of kidney. My cat wouldn’t eat the prescription food for kidney cats that most vets carry . If you do choose to give you cat kidney beans, just follow these simple steps: Pre-soak the kidney beans before heating them to boiling for 30 minutes.