It’s fair to say that a Spy is rather a wrapper to a normal object. First of all, we have named our unit test using a full sentence that explains its purpose (customer full name is first name plus last name). So I created this cheat sheet to help organize the syntax in one concise spot. With Java, we have to call real methods, which arguably means that the resulting code is more verbose and potentially less expressive. The first step is to integrate our project’s repository with Semaphore, which will wait for any pushes to our repository and will then run our tests for us. Except for calls to void methods and expressions classified as interactions, all top-level expressions in these blocks are implicitly treated as conditions. Notice that the unit test is written in such a way that the size of the input data is actually irrelevant. We’ll add a new method for this tutorial: Interaction-based testing is a design and testing technique that emerged in the Extreme Programming (XP) community in the early 2000’s. At the same time, because Spock is a newer testing framework, it had the time to observe common pitfalls of the existing frameworks and either fix them or offer a more elegant workaround. Here is the source code of the Event that the metrics solution supports: The LateInvoiceNotifier class is then augmented with an EventRecorder dependency and we want to write a unit test that verifies that the event recorded: Spock supports examining method arguments using Groovy closures. When we create a mock in Spock and invoke a method on the mock the arguments are matched using the equals() implementation of the argument type. Note that we are using Groovy and Spock only for testing purposes and this is why those dependencies are test-scoped. For a mocking example, let’s assume that we have the following class in our application: This class has two external dependencies, a class that sends emails and an invoice database. When coupling this with various Groovy features, it does a good job of removing the need for an assertion library. Now, let's try a few more types of stubbing. public interface IAdd { void add(int a, int b); } Moq for the IAdd interface is: Mock mockadd = new Mock(); mockadd.Setup(x => x.add(It.IsAny(), It.IsAny()).callback((int a, int b) => { a+b;}); IAdd testing = mockadd.Object; Since the add method is void, it doesn't return any value to Assert with. EasyMock void method. As an example, let’s assume that the analytics department wants more extensive metrics, and has asked you to implement an extra mechanism, where several important events for a customer are recorded and later analyzed. We want to test the method called massRegister(), as the register() one is private. I also created a one-page PDF cheatsheet for handy … Within the then and expect blocks, assertions are implicit. There are six kinds of blocks: setup, when, then, expect, cleanup, and where blocks. Even though Spock can also work with Groovy code, in this tutorial we will focus on Java unit tests. Blocks start with a label, and extend to the beginning of the next block, or the end of the method. Mock. Blocks start with a label, and extend to the beginning of the next block, or the end of the method. Mockito also supports the @Captor annotation on ArgumentCaptor fields, but we don’t use that here. When it comes to true unit tests, having a mocking framework such as Spock for Java is essential. The answer is that Spock was created to cover the full testing lifecycle of a Java Enterprise application. Posted on May 3, 2013 by Arthur Arts. And now I need to create mock environment variable. The previous examples of Spock unit tests will cover most of your testing needs. Spock unit tests will need to be placed in the src/test/groovy/ folder, while JUnit tests (if any) are still in src/test/java/ as per Maven guidelines. We can also configure methods called on our mock to respond in a certain way to different arguments. In some cases, you may need to alter the behavior of private method inside the class you are unit testing. However, Spock's Mock() intercepts all methods, including default methods. We'll that as usual; it's quite informative: Just like stubbing, we can also perform looser verification matching. 1 * method means that the method is expected to be executed with any argument (_) exactly once during the test. In this article, we've given a quick slice through testing with Spock. Semaphore will show you some starter workflows. Spock can test both Java and Groovy, but in the case of Groovy, it has some additional capabilities that we will not cover here. This is by design in Spock, in order to make mocks and thus tests less brittle. doAnswer() : We can use this to perform some operations when a mocked object method is called that is returning void. Blocks are a Spock native way of breaking up the phases of our test using labels. Mocking with Spock A mock is an object of a certain type but without any behavior. In this section, we will see how to instantiate and initialize Mocks in the Spock framework and how to validate interactions on the mock i.e. In JUnit, we would have had a method name which uses camelcase or underscores to separate the words, which would not have been as expressive or human readable. In this particular example, the persist() method doesn’t return anything. This is a Maven-based project, so should be easy to run as is. How can I assert this setup? Sometimes you can be dependent on code in the superclass, which is undesirable in a test. be both a mock and a stub. This is why we use the caret syntax as shown in the previous section. Using a mocking framework ensures that your unit tests are fast, self-contained and deterministic. If this has happened, the test will pass. The Spock documentation is extensive, but I often find myself hunting for the syntax of the different mocking mechanisms in Spock. This is equivalent to the Java 8 forEach statement. Start a discussion on our forum. As Groovy is a dynamic language, we can also provide a type argument, allow us to not have to assign our mock to any particular type: Now, whenever we call a method on our PaymentGateway mock, a default response will be given, without a real instance being invoked: The term for this is lenient mocking. The most evident example of this is the fact that JUnit covers only plain unit testing and nothing else. Internet access to download Maven dependencies. In this regard, a mock is simpler than a stub. Both kinds of tests will run when the Maven test goal is executed. For a more in-depth explanation, it's worth reading this article. Stubs are fake classes that come with preprogrammed return values. The underscore character is a special character in Spock, and it means “any”. This file is called CustomerReaderSpec.groovy, and it should be placed in the folder src/test/groovy under the same Java package as the class under test. Next, we create our CustomerReader reader object and pass as a dependency the fake object. and use a closure to capture the argument that was used, and verify that the argument had a non-null. Does foo do something with whatever you mocked class C returns? If you already know Mockito, these two Spock lines map to verify(emailSender, times(1)).sendEmail(sampleCustomer); and verify(emailSender, times(0)).sendEmail(sampleCustomer); respectively. Unlike Mockito, Spock is a complete testing framework that can function on its own (Mockito works in addition to JUnit). You are forced to add more testing frameworks into the mix, each one with its own idiosyncrasies and issues. However, keep in mind that dynamic manipulation of arguments and responses is an advanced technique that will be needed only for some very specific corner cases in your unit tests. The persist method does not return an argument, so we cannot mock it using Spock’s >> syntax. You can write your application with the confidence that the code is being tested on each step of the way. There are more ways to restrict argument matchers, The number of verifications can also be described, You can also verify the event order as they happen in a unit test using multiple. The most important line of the whole test is the next one. base. In Spock we can also get a hold on the arguments that are passed to a method call of a mock and we can write assertions to check the parameters for certain conditions. Mocks are fake classes that we can examine after a test has finished and see which methods were run or not. Experience all of Semaphore's features without limitations. In this regard, a mock is simpler than a stub. Groovy closures are very similar to Java 8 lambda expressions, so you don’t need any special knowledge to understand them if you have already worked with Java 8. This functionality is detected by the name of the method itself (there is no Spock annotation for this). We will mock both InvoiceStorage and EmailSender, run the unit test and examine what interactions took place after the test has finished. We essentially tell Spock that it will need to create a fake object for the EntityManager class. If we didn't care what our method parameter was, we could use an underscore: Or if we wanted to make sure it wasn't called with a particular argument, we could use the not operator: Again, there are more possibilities, which may be covered in a future more advanced article. the given database ID does not exist as an object in the DB. Spock is a framework which includes: unit testing, integration testing, mocking and stubbing. 5.3. Spock Mocks work only with interfaces by default. Non-stubbed methods are just routed through to the original object. Let's try getting our PaymentGateway mock to return true when we make a payment of 20: What's interesting here, is how Spock makes use of Groovy's operator overloading in order to stub method calls. We have instructed Spock to run unit tests that end in *Spec in the Maven pom file, as described in the previous section. If yes, that's most probably the location of your NPE. In order to understand mocks and stubs and their use cases, you can take a look at our Series of Mockito tutorial.. only void methods can doNothing ()! import spock.mock.MockingApi; /** * A named set of defaults for a mock's configuration options. This will allow for easy comparison between the two frameworks. In this tutorial, we will learn more about the inbuilt Mocking and Stubbing features integrated into the Spock library itself which in turn would enable to use the easier Groovy syntax and thereby reduces the need to add/include any other 3 rd party libraries. Change the contents of the command box so they look like this: Add the following variable by clicking on, Change the name of the job to: “Spock Tests”. As a grand finale, we will see an extreme unit test where the answer of a mock depends on the argument. Blocks start with a label, and extend to the beginning of the next block, or the end of the method. One project is for JUnit, the other project is for TestNG.. Background. The CustomerTest Groovy class shows how the getType static method can be overridden using the metaClass property. In this particular case, we create a stub using the static method Stub() that Spock offers. Stubbing method calls. This concludes the setup. We will cover some differences between Mockito and Spock that will be useful if you are already a Mockito veteran. Apart from extracting the common code for creating our test class and its mocked dependencies, we have also added a second scenario for the case when the customer is not in the database. If you want to mock classes be sure to have cglib and org.objenesis on the classpath (see posts on Spock Framework config for Gradle and Maven). We can expand the test data from 20 customers to 100 customers, to 1000 customers, and the mocking and verification code will remain unchanged. To this end, feature methods are structured into so-called blocks. Let's make it break and then view what's output to the console: While all that's going on is calling equals() on two lists, Spock is intelligent enough to perform a breakdown of the failing assertion, giving us useful information for debugging. We’ve seen Spock’s most important mocking features, but there are several more to explore: If you have any questions and comments, feel free to leave them in the section below. Compared to implementations based on Groovy meta-programming, this has the advantage that it also works for testing Java code. One easy win for Spock when compared to JUnit is how it cleanly it implements parameterized tests. We can just able to declare our elements with square brackets, and internally a list will be instantiated. In summary, we use mocks to isolate the class under test and examine it in a completely controlled environment. Even though the DAO logic itself is very basic, the fact that once the customer is saved using the persist method, its database ID is sent to the logger presents a problem. In those cases, it makes sense to move the stub creation process to a reusable method, removing code duplication. Aren’t the existing testing frameworks capable of dealing with all of our testing needs? But in Spock, a mock can also stub method results, i.e. In Java, the term we may be more familiar with is parameterized testing. Let’s assume that we have a bug in our application, and that the timestamp property is not correctly set. Groovy knowledge is NOT required, as the Spock tests will be written in a Groovy style that is very close to Java. If non-string arguments are passed, the unit test will fail. In this tutorial, we’ve written several unit tests using Spock for both stubbing and mocking. I am using Spock for unit testing. Spock, Ted Vinke has shown how you can use detached Spock mocks in Grails integration tests but you can also leverage Spock Spring module and Spock takes care of calling setupSpec(), setup(), cleanup()and cleanupSpec(). In the previous section, we had a single unit test in a single file. In this tutorial, we're going to discuss the differences between Mock, Stub, and Spy in the Spock framework.We'll illustrate what the framework offers in relation to interaction based testing. What exactly is tested in our @Test-annotated method is not important either, but beforehand Mockito needs to make sure: Spock takes a step back and offers you all the testing facilities you might need during the full testing lifecycle. Here is the Spock test that not only verifies that the email event was recorded, but also checks its values: Our class under test LateInvoiceNotifier now has 3 dependencies: The creation of these 3 mocks happens in the setup() method. It is assumed that you already have a Java project and you want to write unit tests for it. You can add more tests or even combine multiple tests framework by adding more jobs into the Tests block. An alternative approach is to use Spock's GroovyMock to achieve a similar result. java,asynchronous,akka,blocking,future. Notice also that no statement has a semicolon at the end of the line. Difference between Mock / Stub / Spy in Spock test framework , A stub is concerned with simulating specific behaviour. For example, if we were following behavior driven development, we might end up denoting the given when then parts using comments: Spock addresses this problem with blocks. Spock has it's own mocking framework, making use of interesting concepts brought to the JVM by Groovy. Spock is a testing and specification library for Groovy and Java projects. Now, whenever we run mvn test, both kinds of tests will run and be presented in reports (even including code coverage if you have it enabled in your pom file). 2. inside when() you don't call method on mock but on some other object. Again, we'll cover assertions in more details shortly. The job uses some convenient commands provided by Semaphore: Our initial CI pipeline does its job, but we can improve it. For this contrived example, the code will work just fine in the real system, as the database will indeed assign an ID to the object as soon as it is saved. Spock also provides us with an expressive way of checking for exceptions. This isn't strictly mocking, more dynamically changing a class. The second dependency – EmailSender is a bit different. For example, Mockito. We will need: The Java project may or may not have existing JUnit tests. Use dynamic responses only as a last resort in your unit tests. We have to tweak it a bit to: We have introduced some new concepts in this block: Good job! Mock private method. The caret character means “return” in Spock parlance. First of all, we use the Groovy each iteration that allows us to use a closure for each Customer. JUnit is only a framework for unit testing and adding a Mockito (or other mocking library) is needed if mocking ability is required. We will cover blocks in more detail shortly, but essentially they are a logical way of splitting up the different steps of our tests. (A more detailed description of Spock's mocking and stubbing features can be found here:) The second part after the >> operator instructs the stub to create a dynamic response for the two matched arguments. Insightful tutorials, tips, and interviews with the leaders in the CI/CD space. using. We’ll assume that you want to test the following class: You should instantly see why writing a unit test for this class is a bit tricky. We've demonstrated how, by leveraging Groovy, we can make our tests more expressive than the typical JUnit stack. You should note that a Spock mock will return null for every method that is called on that mock. Let’s first try to understand what kind of use cases might involve stubbing void methods:#1) Method calls for example – that sends an email notification during the process.For Example: Suppose you change your password for your internet banking account, once the change is successful you receive notification over your email.This can be thought of as /changePassword as a POST call to Bank API which includes a void method call to send an email notification to th… Unlike Stub or Mock a Spy is not exactly a dummy object. Spock tests can be added to the project without any negative impact on the existing JUnit tests. If any of them fail, the test will fail. A podcast for developers about building great products. This Spock unit test essentially gathers all the techniques we have seen so far in one masterpiece. Build with Linux, Docker and macOS. These values are used for the creation of a new Customer object. Example of correct use of doNothing (): doNothing (). For some context, it's worth implementing a parameterized test using JUnit: As we can see there's quite a lot of verbosity, and the code isn't very readable. Otherwise, Spock will fail the test. Let’s analyze everything in turn. As expected Spock will discover that methods have been invoked in wrong order and will fail the test. Bulkheading strategies for Akka actors. Mockito knowledge is not strictly required. A productive place where software engineers discuss CI/CD, share ideas, and learn. However, for some advanced examples, it would be beneficial to know Java 8 lambda expressions as they will be similar to the Groovy closures in this tutorial. We will use a database interface which has few methods to fetch and update the student scores and grades. Spock is a testing framework for Java and Groovy that helps automate the process of manual testing of the software application.It introduces its own mocks, stubs, and spies, and … Since @Mock and @Spy are the only two annotations actually supported by @InjectMocks I thought I’d use them both. THE unique Spring Security education if you’re working with Java today. This document presents two Maven example projects for mocking final and static methods using PowerMockito for Java unit testing. The syntax as Customer is another special Spock construct that makes the test a bit more strict by ensuring that the argument is indeed a Customer class. If you have a choice, it is best to return predefined results in your mocks/stubs, so that the test is more readable. This line means: “when the find() method is called with these arguments, then return null”. * mock creation time, typically by selecting the appropriate {@link MockingApi} factory method. You will need to mock this private method and make it return what needed for the particular case. There are several mocking frameworks in the Java world, but the most popular one is Mockito. How to download and set up Spock via Maven, The advantages Spock brings when it comes to testing Java code. Use Stub to represent database objects and use Fake and Spy to mimic the behavior of business interfaces or services like retry, logging, etc. Code that creates a sample customer also appear in unit tests since this private method and make it what! Object for the code examples, we had manually stubbed a different response for each specific.... 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