The flawed premise of stunning is that the traditional Islamic way of slaughtering, and similar Jewish methods, cause great pain to the animal because it is not stunned before being slaughtered. As the Prophet (PBUH) said in a Hadith in Sahih Muslim, we should slaughter animals in an ideal way. The argument that halal slaughter is inhumane because animals are allowed to bleed to death is scientifically untrue. This means that the blood flow to the nerves in the brain that deal with pain is disconnected. The retention of blood in the animal’s meat is unhygienic and potentially harmful for the consumer. The Halal slaughtering is partly about having the incision deeply to hasten (i) the bleeding (to eliminate any possible diseases); and (ii) death of the animal. Conclusion . 4 0 obj This is particularly important for developing countries, as this will improve production. The flawed arguments against Halal slaughter are devoid of merit, and only those who stun animals can be rightfully accused of animal cruelty. Conclusion. x���KK1����2���yM���/�(\���L�B:VA�����:�K��;'�@� Just like all other Islamic laws, the Islamic ruling on animal slaughter comes from our All-Knowing Creator. The evidence clearly establishes the superiority of Halal slaughter. %���� Halal food is clearly labelled or certified as such by approved certification agencies (Jamal and Sharifuddin, 2015). Muslims cannot eat the meat of animals that die a natural death. These are key concepts in Islam with many ramifications for the daily life of a Muslim; one of the most visible expressions of these concepts may be found in Islamic dietary rules. The electric current temporarily makes the animal unconscious. Halal – Halal is an Arabic word which means ‘permitted’ or ‘lawful’. There aren’t any specific prohibitions related to stunning animals before slaughtering them in Islam. Animal Rights in Islam – Islamic Perspective, Ali ibn Abi Talib: The Fourth Khalifa Of Islam (Caliph), Hazrat Usman (Uthman) ibn Affan: Third Khalifa Of Islam – Caliph, The First Khalifa Abu Bakr ibn Abi Quhafa – Muslim Khalifa, Second Caliph of Islam Umar ibn al-Khattab – Hazrat Umar Khalifa, Present Khalifa of Islam and the Concept of a Muslim Caliphate in Islam – Muslim Khalifa. Hence, it becomes evident that the Islamic method of slaughter is optimal. The harm that the slaughter incurs that doesn’t comply with Islam’s teachings largely consists of health risks and the suffering of animals due to the pain caused by non-Halal slaughter. The European Court of Justice backed a Belgian ban on Muslim halal and Jewish kosher animal slaughter today, sparking anger among religious groups. 2. endobj According to a Prophetic statement in Sahih Muslim, butchers must sharpen knives before using them to slaughter animals. <> The animal must be alive at the time of slaughter. �=L.�d�]ݮm��Z����_fE%�Ϗ�t3�l��>m�M�7M[�Ԡ��|Ѣ7&�nC��66��ok�L,��]�޷��o;�h�0����M&sL�Z�V�8bG��|�V��hݮ��Bft �e)U&�']���{� j��� Halal activities are obligatory to every Muslim. This causes the animal to retain a greater amount of blood. By Mahmoud Tatari, General Manager, Halal Control GmbH. Start by reciting Allah’s (SWT) name. stream Then, they are bled, and the bleeding is what eventually results in their death. Some European countries, however, have forbidden such exceptions and thus banned kosher and halal slaughtering practices. are Halal only when the animal has been slaughtered in accordance with Islamic Law to make meat Halal, an animal or poultry has to be slaughtered in the Islamic way. A bill banning exports of ritually slaughtered meat is sitting in limbo in the Polish parliament. Then, that sends an electronic current through the animal’s brain. He writes, “If a sheep is slaughtered in such a way that half of the trachea and half of the two jugular veins is cut, then this animal will not be lawful to consume. Meanwhile, Halal slaughter also makes the animal’s meat fit for human consumption. x���[�T����G�����*?���+����E X�h�1��("���. There are also electric methods of stunning, such as head-only stunning. Disadvantages Of Halal Slaughter Halal Food Halal means “permitted” in Arabic; it is the opposite of haram, or “forbidden. This form of stunning involves birds being hung upside down and tied on a moving conveyor belt. There are specific requirements throughout the food production process that must be complied with to gain halal certification, including slaughtering, storage, preparation, display and overall hygiene (Haque et al., 2015). After the first six seconds, there was no pain recorded. Animals that have been partially eaten by wild animals are also not to be eaten. However, the slaughtering should be performed in accordance with Islamic rules. Islam provides us with guidelines for all aspects of life, and the same applies to our diet. This leads me to suggest that Christians should not eat Halal meats. Likewise, Islam comprehensively lays out the method of sacrificing animals that are permissible to consume. The windpipe (throat), food-tract … Firstly, we must slaughter the animal in accordance with Islamic laws. Unconsciousness is achieved within seconds and death occurs due to cerebral hypoxia not blood loss. Conclusion Their needs cannot be ignored.“ • In USA The rising acceptance of halal meat due to its scientific and hygienic slaughtering and processing methods is spicing up the US 600 billion global halal meat market impressively 40. Moreover, the Islamic method is far more hygienic due to its draining blood far more effectively from the meat. Allah has complete Knowledge of what is and isn’t good for His creation. Halal slaughter provides us with detailed instructions pertaining to how we should slaughter animals for the consumption of their meat. The international livestock industry must be encouraged to practice increasingly better handling and welfare of slaughter animals. The halal animals have been categorized with special and essential slaughtering requirements. products are considered to be halal, with the only exception if in the process of making or storing them alcohol was used. z��xp>���x8��4! The purpose of stunning is to make the animal unable to feel pain, although credible studies contradict this claim. Butchers cut the vessels of the neck quickly. After they stun the animal, the next process is to cut off the blood supply to its brain. The Halal Advocates personally have observed this slaughter process and have arrived to this conclusion after extensive research. However, he must not sever the spinal cord. This method involves placing electric tongs are on the sides of the animal’s head. Rüsselsheim, 22nd December 2020. endstream Stunning can also lead to contamination of the animal’s meat, such as in the case of chickens being stunned in an electric water bath, in which chickens may defecate and then inhale the impure water. Conclusion. Halal (permissible or lawful) poultry meat production must meet industry, economic, and production needs, and government health requirements without compromising the Islamic religious requirements derived from the Qur'an and the Hadiths (the actions and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him). This is because leftover blood in the animal can be a medium for microorganisms. In the case of animals slaughtered in accordance with Islamic law, researchers discovered that the animals did not suffer any pain in the first three seconds of the slaughter. Muslims are required to strictly adhere to Islam’s rules regarding slaughter, as the Islamic method of animal slaughter is the supreme method, just like all other Islamic laws are supreme and binding on us. The reason for this was the great amount of blood that gushed out of the animal’s body. The Bible warns us about meats sacrificed to other gods. Unconsciousness is achieved within seconds and death occurs due to cerebral hypoxia not blood loss. Unconsciousness is achieved within seconds and death occurs due … When animal slaughter is carried out in accordance with Islamic teachings, it ensures that the suffering of the animal is minimized. All these Islamic teachings make it evident that there is no room for cruelty in Islam. <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 720 540] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Just like all other Islamic laws, the Islamic ruling on animal slaughter comes from our All-Knowing Creator. Muslims cannot consume any animal that people do not slaughter according to Islam’s rules of slaughter. The market size of Halal food has been rising, especially among the Muslim population. Islam is a religion that enjoins the kind and merciful treatment of all creatures. Conclusion Only a Muslim or someone who is Ahlul Kitab (people of the Book), can carry out the task for the meat to be deemed halal. Halal is a term that defines the method of slaughtering animals for meat: it is required to hang the animal upside down for the process of bleeding dry. The thorough removal of blood from the animal’s body is crucial for the purification of its meat. The slaughter needs to be carried out by a Muslim or Ahlul Kitab. Moreover, their hearts stopped beating earlier than the hearts of animals slaughtered Islamically. UK slaughterhouses must be completely halal compliant Animals must be alive and healthy at the time of slaughter and all blood is drained from the carcass. This retention of blood is a hygiene risk, and certainly something that should be avoided. Learn Quran Online by Live Tutor on Skype! People have conducted credible studies to determine whether animals experience pain when butchers slaughter them, in the case of both Halal slaughter and slaughter according to modern techniques. One may wonder why the animal continues to squirm and flail about if it doesn’t feel pain. – Things or actions permitted by Shariah law without punishment imposed on the doer (MS1500:2004) Haram – Haram is an Arabic word which means ‘Prohibited’ or ‘Unlawful’. Conclusion Islamic method of slaughtering is Hygienic and Humane and should be practiced by all It ruled in favour of a regulation already imposed in the Flemish region of Belgium which, on animal rights grounds, bans the slaughter of livestock that have not been stunned. endobj That takes them over an electric water bath in which they submerge their heads, electrocuting them to cause their death by cardiac arrest. Then, there’s the hygiene and health factor. endobj These laws apply to all the meat Muslims consume, whether it is the animal sacrifice of Eid Al-Adha, or simply meat that butchers sell for the purpose of eating. Firstly, there is the factor of pain. stunning is require under animal welfare and the halal slaughter allowed stunning for safety of the animal, but type of stunning methods must comply with halal protocol mechanical slaughter is debatable between different Halal Authority but the basic principles should be in compliance Conclusion 2 0 obj Can’t Drive Kids to the Mosque? There are a number of reasons for this. The Halal method of slaughter is a sacrifice to Allah. The act of slaughtering must assure the animal suffer minimal pain as possible. An animal's throat is cut in one swift motion with a razor sharp knife. The flawed arguments against Halal slaughter are devoid of merit, and only those who stun animals can be rightfully accused of animal cruelty. While the individual may make conscious choices about what… Cows, sheep, goats, chicken, ducks etc. This method is common in the case of farm animals. It is an animal which is slaughtered by cutting it open and the veins are not cut, and it is then left to die.” (Sunan Abu Dawud) From the above Hadiths and other evidences, the fuqaha (jurists) have deduced that for the animal to be lawful (Halal) it is necessary that its veins are cut open in a way that the blood streams and gushes out. However, it is something that should not be done. Haram activities are forbidden to every Muslim. There are many conditions of Halal slaughter that you can read on their website, but here are the four main ones that are taken from the website: 1. Therefore, the animal does not experience pain. The argument that halal slaughter is inhumane because animals are allowed to bleed to death is scientifically untrue. $"�LXCPir{ �4QP�h��"�#���u���q�bf �@�p��z̾�L�i�9_�eaa�����x ��Y}e>��c0�������A�Ů�ɲӟ�ɝ��ʋ��b#���o ��Y���R>�Ll�bQT�U ҉� Then, there’s a form called concussion stunning, in which an instrument deals a blow to the animal’s head to concuss its brain. The Halal method of slaughter is certainly the most humane of all methods that butchers utilize for animal slaughter. An animal’s throat is cut in one swift motion with a razor sharp knife. There is also a risk of animals dying prior to being slaughtered when they are stunned, which makes their meat impermissible to consume because it counts as carrion meat. Doing so is necessary to avoid the harm that would result from failing to follow the Halal method. Cardiac arrest stunning is a form that involves the passing of an electric current through both the head and body of the animal. CONCLUSION. The Islamic method of slaughter necessitates that the butcher slaughters the animal with a cut to its neck that reaches through its trachea, esophagus, jugular veins, and carotid arteries. The argument that halal slaughter is inhumane because animals are allowed to bleed to death is scientifically untrue. The significant three categories are; 1) Product/Goods; (2) Food Premise; (3) Slaughter House. The Label Halal (Permissible) 10. Conclusion . Furthermore, they should not do this in front of animals, nor should they slaughter animals in front of another. Halal Control (HC) Germany: The European Union’s top court the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has deemed non stun halal and kosher slaughter incompatible with animal welfare.Halal Control rates the decision as disastrous with the signal it is sending out. The EU court ruling is based on animal welfare but effectively makes it possible for EU countries to ban halal or kosher slaughter. Scientifically it is proven that the animal didn’t feel any pain if the impulse and oxygen of the body did not reach the brain (cerebral anoxia), practically by severing the following : In conventional slaughtering methods like Halal and Kosher, stunning of animals before bleeding is not followed in several countries even though stunning before slaughter is a statutory requirement to make the animal unconscious and insensible to pain from the act of bleeding (Terlouw et al., 2008). Some notable mechanical stunning methods include the driving of a bolt into the skull of the animal to stun it. These countries include Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Denmark, and … Therefore, stunning, which has been proven to cause animals severe pain, is something that goes against Islam’s teachings of being merciful to animals. An animal’s throat is cut in one swift motion with a razor sharp knife. Allah has complete Knowledge of what is and isn’t good for His creation. The animal suffers intense pain when slaughtered according to modern methods. 3 0 obj <> It’s been proven that animals that have been stunned tend to retain a greater amount of blood than animals that have been slaughtered in a Halal way. 5 0 obj The very nature of Quranic teachings and hadiths is that the issues presented are incredibly subjective and open to individual interpretation. However, they experienced intense pain right after the stunning. It seems certain solutions to halal food and its mass distribution to Muslim diasporic populations, mainly in the global West, have yet to be settled upon. This helps to drain the maximum quantity of blood from the animal, which is a must for the meat to be hygienic for consumption. Moreover, it is impermissible to consume the meat of animals that die of strangulation, or from being struck brutally or gored by another animal’s horns, or by falling headfirst. It is better to be on the side of caution and not eat halal meats out of respect for God. the vessels must be cut. The reason is that legality of such a slaughter is dependent on cutting the entire vessel or the major portion of the vessel. The reason for the writhing of the dying animal is the contraction and easing of the muscles that lack blood. There’s also a stunning method that involves gassing birds to stun them. The freshness of the meat also lasts longer when the blood is let out as much as possible. stream What we can and cannot eat is clearly outlined in our religion. “Meaning a slaughtered animal will not be lawful to consume (halal) if the name of Allah was intentionally not pronounced whether the slaughterer was a Muslim or from the people of the book (kitabi), because of the (clear) text of the Qur’an and the consensus (ijma) of all the scholars.” (See: Radd al-Muhtar ala al-Durr, 5/298-299) 2. Thus, the prescribed method of slaughtering animals in Islam must be followed by all believers. As the knife severs the jugular veins and relevant arteries, blood rapidly flows out of the system. %PDF-1.5 The thrashing movements of the animal also play a vital role in extracting maximum blood from its body. endobj goat, sheep, buffalo, cow, chicken), and An animal’s throat is cut in one swift motion with a razor sharp knife. The evidence proves that stunning should not be incorporated into Halal slaughter. The argument that halal slaughter is inhumane because animals are allowed to bleed to death is scientifically untrue. These studies also mentioned how hygienic each form of animal slaughter was. The authors conclude that cultured meat is halal only if the culture is seeded with cells taken from a halal source, and by this they mean: Cells must be sourced from an animal that is lawful for human consumption under sharia (e.g. People commonly use water bath stunning on chickens, turkeys, etc. “Meaning a slaughtered animal will not be lawful to consume (halal) if the name of Allāh was intentionally not pronounced whether the slaughterer was a Muslim or from the people of the book (kitabi), because of the (clear) text of the Qur’an and the consensus (ijma) of all the scholars.” (See: Radd al-Muhtar ala al-Durr, 5/298-299) The Arabic word halal means permissible, and the rules of slaughter are based on Islamic law. In the next three seconds, the animal was in a state of deep sleep, rendering it unconscious. Our faith doesn’t permit us to cause needless harm and suffering to animals. Meanwhile, in the case of modern slaughtering methods, which utilize stunning, the animals were unconscious soon after stunning. 1. Indeed, all Islamic laws aim to maximize benefit and lessen harm. Unconsciousness is achieved within seconds and death occurs due to cerebral hypoxia not blood loss. Conditions Of Halal Slaughter. There are a variety of modern methods of slaughter, which tend to focus primarily on stunning the animal prior to its slaughter. Hence, the arguments of those who deem Halal slaughter cruel and barbaric are emphatically refuted, and the superiority of the Islamic method is undeniable. The first step is to recite the name of Allah (SWT). The purity of the meat depends on the thorough removal of blood. <> There are numerous ways in which people stun animals before slaughtering them. ... Halal animals are slaughtered to express respects to them and to thank Allah for It's gifts in providing the animal as clean and healthy food. Furthermore, the heart continued to pound, and the body continued to thrash about due to a reflex action of the spinal cord. 1 0 obj <>>> The pure vertical cut, modified vertical cut, and other similar slaughter methods go against the Sunnah method of slaughter and are doubtful methods of slaughter which do not completely fulfill the halal requirements. The only exception if in the process of making or storing them was. Slaughter animals in an ideal way vessel or the major portion of system! In Sahih Muslim, butchers must sharpen knives before using them to cause their death motion with a razor knife. Case of modern slaughtering methods, which utilize stunning, the next process is to recite the name of (. Certified as such by approved certification agencies ( Jamal and Sharifuddin, )... Slaughter are devoid of merit, and the bleeding is what eventually results in their death process is recite! 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