- Lawless French The cedilla ç change the sound to the letter s. Negative Form. For example : Il est … Learn how to say the names of many different countries and nationalities in French. African countries being often relatively young (20th century) they are, by consequence, masculine. The lines of Italy to be drawn based on nationality. All you need to do is to add an “-e” to the masculine form. In this list you have all the adjectives ending with the letter « e » for the masculine (hence the same for the feminine) : « russe » (Russian), « suisse » (Swiss), « belge » (Belgian) … However for most of them you’ll have to make a clear difference between the masculine and the feminine. Our following list contains Basic French Nationalities french translation in both masculine and feminine so that you font offend anyone while referring to there nationality. Complete french vocabulary list of the masculine and feminine countries in french with gender. Here is the list of some common words. Eg. Masculine/Feminine Countries in French; Masculine/feminine Countries In French. Increase your French vocabulary fast and efficiently with this useful words list! With Masculine countries we use AU: Je vais au Canada. Nationalities in French (Nationalité) We should be very proud to say our Country and Nationality in french, of course it is very simple. I learned in my first year of French that there are only a few masculine countries. Baker Hughes Case Study With Feminine ones we use EN: je vais en France. 2007. → Maria est portugaise. Careful though, here is the tricky part: the common noun is sometimes implied and not part of the name itself: Self-determination for those of Austria-Hungary. Those same adjectives can also be used as nouns to refer to people from that place, with one small change in French. Subjects: french grammar . Nationalities that already have a-e in the masculine, do not change in the feminine. La Réunion doesn’t end in -e but the common noun réunion is feminine, so the country has the same gender, regardless of the final letter. In addition to masculine and feminine there is a plural form for each nationality. Countries are masculine or feminine in French, the rule is: the last letter is a E, the country is feminine, la France but le Canada. Ne + verb + pas. le Royaume Uni, is masculine because the noun royaume (kingdom) is masculine in French. That’s why even some “a” countries are masculine: their name was recently adopted in French. → Elle est française. In general, from the nineteenth century, it is the masculine gender that is more and more used to name new countries. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Start studying Nationalities in French. ç. Country. français / français e. Most of the time it will change the pronunciation français / français e (z) but there are some exceptions where it stays the same: Eg Every country and continent has an adjective that can be used to describe people and things from that place. For example : Il est français. Éric est portugais. #The gender of nationalities : Nationalities take a -e when they are feminine. by farrukhkiani4u11, Mar. Three forms are given (masculine - feminine - plural). As with majority of the French adjectives, there is a masculine and feminine form for most of the names of nationalities. Je ne suis pas: I am not. 10. Russian has masculine and feminine form for each word denoting nationality.